Choosing a Web Application Programming Language

Among computer programming languages, there is no single application that does all the different things, in all the different ways, that programmers need. Because of the great number and diversity ...

Computer Programming: How to Design a Program

When designing a program, you must first have a deep look at the purpose of the program to design and what it will make. You must have the detailed specification needed to begin thinking what you w...

Online Action Games – Think Fast!

Action games are very popular in the gamer world. Many games are available free but the best most elite action games usually come with a price. Action games require special equipment in order to pl...

Search Engine Optimization for Blogs

Whether it’s a corporate blog, a news-type blog, or even a personal blog, optimizing your blog for the search engines is a must. There are some simple changes that you can make to WordPress and Mov...

Tips for Learning Simple Php

When you are trying to learn a new programming language like PHP, it can get a bit intimidating, especially if you have never had experience with other programming languages before. But trust me, t...

Diploama in Game Programming – Curriculum

Diploama in Game Programming - CurriculumFirst YearObject Oriented Programming Concepts using C++On successful completion of this module, the student will be able toCreate and compile programs in C...

iPhone application development and outsourcing

The complete potential of iPhone, the multimedia gadget, can be utilized by developing ingenious applications for it. The launch of the SDK (software development kit) by Apple in 2008 boosted iPhon...

Is Open Source a Synonym for Free Software ?

The market for open source and free software is surging high with its appreciation in mainstream segment also. The free software products like Linux or others are moving from the walled boundaries ...