All businesses in the UK have to carry out a fire risk assessment by law.
It is therefore not surprising that you may show an interest in fire risk assessment software if that sounds like something that might save you time and money. Maybe fire risk assessment software is the perfect middle ground that will guide you through the process?
Whether it is worthwhile using fire risk assessment software or not will partly depend on the size and complexity of your workplace.
Fire Safety Risk Assessment Software – Tools For Risk Assessments
OCR software has provided the solution to this problem. Currently, OCR software is supporting 40 languages and can flawlessly convert them into doc, word, text and html format without changing font, style, formatting and spacing.
OCR software is devised with user friendly interface. What you need is just select the image scanned or taken from digital camera in OCR software. OCR software provides an elegant feature to save your converted files from unwanted access.